Diligent Group Leaders scouring the web for Myrtle Beach golf package information are seeing more and more invitations to book their packages on line. While the big Myrtle Beach course and hotel conglomerates are really pushing this as the way of the future, (they make way more $$ that way) , it just doesn’t work.
I’m sure you’ve tried it. After you have entered all your dates, course preferences, etc., and have stared mesmerized at the little spinning wheel for minute after minute, only to find out tee-times are not available or rates aren’t loaded yet -you need to start ALL OVER AGAIN! Aaarrrggg!! Even if you land times, here is where the extra money is made. Some examples: You will never have the system come back and say ” well- if you play Caledonia on Thursday and World Tour on Wednesday you can pick up the $20 mid-week savings on World Tour. Read More